Bearcat Basics
What is it?
A high school transition meeting and campus orientation for rising ninth grade students and family members. Students and families will learn pertinent information for a successful transition to high school life. Some of the topics discussed will include:
● high school programs (college and career readiness, dual enrollment, work-based learning)
● student extracurriculars (clubs, student organizations)
● Graduation requirements
● Daily operations: (dropoff/pickup, lunches, bus pickup, signing in/out, tardies, attendance, navigating the school)
● Schedules/Guidance Department
● Tour of the school
Bearcat Basics will end with a question and answer session along with a tour of the campus.
When is it? Choose your session.
- July 11th: 11:00 AM or 5:30 PM
- July 18th: 5:30 PM
How do I register?
Use this link to sign up for your Bearcat Basics Session.
Please park in the front of the school and enter through the lobby. All sessions will begin in the cafeteria. We look forward to welcoming the CLASS OF 2028!!