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WBP in Top 5% of State Improvement Scores for Title I Schools!

WBP in Top 5% of State Improvement Scores for Title I Schools!
WBP Administration holds plague recognizing Title I Reward School

At the January Board Meeting, West Bainbridge Primary was honored for being recognized as a Title I Reward School. This distinction is awarded to the top 5% of Title I Schoolwide and Title I Targeted Assistance schools showing the greatest improvement in content mastery scores between the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 statewide assessments.

DCBOE Director of Federal Programs, Chip Davis, presented the award to Principal Ortega Ross, Assistant Principal RC Tucker, and Instructional Coach Dana Martin in the form of a certificate and plaque to display at the school.

We are incredibly proud of the students, faculty, and staff at WBP for their hard work and dedication in achieving this honor. Congratulations!