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QUEST Merry Market: Christmas Creativity, Learning, and Entrepreneurship

QUEST Merry Market: Christmas Creativity, Learning, and Entrepreneurship

Each year, the gifted and advanced content students in Decatur County Schools’ QUESTY Program participate in the Merry Market at Hutto Elementary School. This unique, cross-curricular, multi-grade level project allows students to unleash their creativity, develop essential skills, and experience what it means to be entrepreneurs—all under the guidance of our dedicated gifted teachers: Ms. Chavers, Ms. Esquivel, Ms. Oliver, and Ms. Benton.

Students step into the role of entrepreneurs, brainstorming and creating their own products. Once their ideas are finalized, they design and build their own storefronts to showcase and sell their creations during the market.

When the event concludes, the learning continues in the classroom. Students analyze their profits, calculate whether they broke even, and reflect on any losses, blending real-world skills with academic concepts. This project is a perfect example of how learning can extend beyond textbooks and into practical, engaging experiences.

The Merry Market is a celebration of innovation, learning, and the incredible potential of our students!