English Language Arts: Four units of credit in English language arts shall be required of all students. A full unit of credit in American Literature/Composition and a full unit of credit in Ninth-Grade Literature and Composition shall be required. The two remaining credits may be fulfilled at BHS by taking any two core English courses, including: AP Language, AP Literature, World Literature, English Literature, Multicultural Literature, or MOWR English courses.
Mathematics: Four units of core credit in mathematics shall be required of all students, including Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II/Acc-Precalculus. The fourth credit may be fulfilled at BHS by taking Statistical Reasoning, Pre-Calculus, AP Statistics, AP Calculus, or a MOWR math course.
Science: Four units of credit in science shall be required of all students, including one full unit of Biology; one unit of either Physical Science or Physics; one unit of either Chemistry, Earth Systems, Environmental Science or an AP/IB course; and one additional science unit. The fourth science unit may be fulfilled at BHS by taking Environmental Science, Earth Systems, Chemistry, AP Environmental Science, Anatomy, or a MOWR science course.
Social Sciences: Four units of credit shall be required in social studies. One unit of credit shall be required in World History, United States History, American Government/Civics, and Economics.
CTAE/Modern Language/Latin/Fine Arts: A total of three units of credit shall be required from the following areas: CTAE and/or Modern Language/Latin and/or Fine Arts. Students are encouraged to select courses in a focused area of interest.
- Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) Pathways: Students may earn three units of credit in a coherent sequence of CTAE courses through a self-selected pathway leading to college readiness and a career readiness certificate endorsed by related industries.
- Modern Language/Latin: All students are encouraged to earn two units of credit in the same modern language/Latin. Students planning to enter or transfer into a University System of Georgia institution or other post-secondary institution must take two units of the same modern language/Latin. Georgia Department of Technical and Adult Education (DTAE) institutions (Technical College System of Georgia) do not require modern language/Latin for admissions. A. Students whose native language is not English may be considered to have met the foreign language expectation by exercising the credit in lieu of enrollment option if they are proficient in their native language.
- Fine Arts: Electives may be selected from courses in fine arts.
Health and Physical Education: One unit of credit in health and physical education is required.